Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Count your Blessing

Today I called in the self pity squad. Some people have a pity party but I like to go a step further just for good measure. So anyhow I'm sitting on the floor thinking how horrible things are and how much a miss people who are gone and wondering who's next and feeling bad that I never get to see my husband etc etc. when I start hearing this song in my head "Count your many blessing name them one by one" and suddenly I didn't feel quite so bad or quite so alone. Now I can't get the song out of my head it's like theres a record in my head that's been put on constant repeat. It should be driving me insane but it's not. So I figure maybe now would be a good time to count 10 thing I'm really grateful for.

Top 10 things I'm grateful for tonight:

10.)TV. Pathetic as that is I really grateful for cartoons right now because without them even though it's almost 11 at night I would be fighting a loosing battle with my son. Right now we both just need a break from each other and cartoons work. He took his nap way late today like at 5 so he's just not tired yet ugh.
9.) Job security. Jared may be gone all the time but at least I know he's well liked at his company and his job isn't going anywhere and even if it were he has lots of other options.
8.) Our house. I love being out in the country even if it means giving up some of the contact with other people I would have in the city. You can't have a yard like ours in the city and Ethan needs space.
7.)Good Friends. It's always nice to know that friends are only a phone call away when I need someone to talk to
6.) Little boys who sweetly come and say mommy I love you will you cuddle with me. Those are the moments that make my heart just melt.
5.) Tender smiles and giggles from a sweet little nine month old who is just so happy I will talk to him.
4.) Brother who are best buds. Today Ethan got a $2.50 remote control car from Target and spent the rest of the day driving it around so Daniel would chase it. They both would laugh at one another and all I could think is I wouldn't give up moments like this for the world.
3.)A wonderful husband who impulsively buys his wife a book by one of her favorite authors and her favorite pop at the store then sends her off to take a bath because he's leaving the next day.
2.) My scriptures. They give me hope that tomorrow will always be better than today and that I can become a better person.
1.)Music. It always makes me feel better for some strange reason. I couldn't envision a life without it.


The Cherry Family said...

Jess-good post. It helps to count all the things you're thankful for when things aren't going well. Good job on kicking the pitty-squad's butt! :)

Jenny said...

Jess, your stories are so fun to read, and always make me laugh and grateful that it's you and not me. I too am finding myself having more pity parties than usual, but am just trying to stay as busy as possible and enjoy the simple things in life!

k said...

good list. i agree with the scriptures, music, and general husband and child lovingness :)

Bennett Family said...

It's nice to know I am not the only mom that has pity parties now and then. It's hard when you have two little boys with so much energy. Just thinking about the day sometimes makes you what to roll over and stay in bed. I think it's great that music chears you up. I always turn on a song and the boys and I dance. charlie likes to dance with his fingers in the air and Jack has his little spaz dance. It always chears me up and makes me happy I have such busy boys.