Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Church update

So our third week in our new ward was horrible for me. I ended up loosing it in Sacrament meeting because I just could no matter how hard I tried get my kids to behave. The very sweet RS pres came up and gave me a hug and talked with me. She really is so sweet and I know I was being way over emotional crying because my kids wouldn't stop running in the hall. She told me that it was ok that my kids were crazy they had all been there and presided to tell me about the person giving the talk who has a bunch of kids and how crazy they were. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with insane children.

This last week at church they officially recognized us as being in their ward. I think this really helped because suddenly people were talking to me. The boys were just as unruly but it didn't bother me as much this week. After church one of Ethan's nursery leaders came up to me to talk to me and offer babysitting. I don't remember her name but she told me how they use to live in Mamie and didn't go to the ward they were suppose to so it was thought they were inactive. It was really embarrassing the day the missionaries showed up at there door to talk to them about the church she said. I can't tell you how much better this made me feel.
I've also been asked to help with the Christmas Workshop in November...I think I'm assistant something or other I have a meeting Thursday night I guess I'll learn more then.

So after almost a month in our new ward I think I can count at least one friend and maybe the potential for another. It's silly what a difference a friendly face can make.

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