Monday, April 16, 2007


Pictures of the day. I took these while I was waiting for Ethan to wake up from his nap. I thought turned out pretty cute so I would share. Daniel said Mama for the first time today. He's been saying Ma for a while but its the first time he's said Mama and was looking strait at me when he did it to so I'm counting it. He also said baba and grabbed a bottle so I think that counts too. He seems to have been a little traumatized by the whole falling down the stairs thing. He won't let me leave the room without crying right now and I'm not really sure why that is unless he's cutting teeth again. Hopefully its just a temporary thing. For those of you who don't know Daniel fell down seven stairs on Friday night and we spent the night at the ER. He's fine but got some pretty good bruses out it and a pretty banged up nose. It really is a good thing babies heal fast and I hope I never have to go threw head x-rays with an infant ever again.

Just for your amusement on Saturday I was making our grocery list. We tend to sit around the table as a family and do this and Ethan decided he wanted to help. When I read off the list and asked what else we needed Ethan informed me we needed an I wrote it down because he kept repeating it until I did. Then he informed us we needed to get the alligator food and a house so he could play in and out. It was really cute. Maybe for his birthday this year I'll get him a little stuffed alligator.

On a not so happy front I just got another call from my mom about my grandmother. She is really not doing well and they called in hospics today. She has stopped eating again. This last month she has lost 30 pounds. I know shes in a lot of pain I just wish there was something I could do. She misses my grandfather so much that I don't think she can stand living anymore without him. He died when I was still in middle school but she's never been the same since. I think she's just done. I hope she finds peace soon.


Elizabeth said...

Jess..I love your blog! You are a talented photographer, I LOVE the pictures of my kids. Can't wait to put them in frames. :) You are wonderful! Thanks!

Janie said...

I love your blog! I love these pictures of Daniel. I can't believe he fell down the stairs. I have nightmares about that! I am glad to hear he's OK. What pre-school is Ethan going to?

k said...

i love the little tiny bum-crack. it reminds me of a certain picture i saw earlier at bath time...anyways, i need to come over and have a picture session with you and me and Miles :)