Monday, April 30, 2007


Ok it's official my oldest child is going to drive me crazy. I realize that it's not a long drive but still it's the point of the whole thing. Today has been another one of those days where half the day I was ready to strangle him and the other half I was like aww isn't he cute. I really do think cuteness is a survival thing. Anyhow I'm not going recount all of my day I'm just going to share with you one thing I learned today. Child safety locks are on cars for a reason and they work better if engaged. Had thought about this a the fact that I have a insane two year old prior to tonight I might not have thought I was going to die. Let me explain... Tonight we had to take Jared to the airport and on the way back I stopped paying attention to Ethan and he got very board, this is never a good thing. I was talking on the phone when I hear "what I do" and all the sudden there is a gust of wind from behind me. For those of you who haven't guessed it Ethan opened his door. Now normally this may not have been to big of an issue but going down the highway at 70 in the middle lane of a three lane highway it was a major issue. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and if my some miracle I survived that I was sure someone was going to hit us. Someone was really watching over us is all I can say because when I switched lanes as calmly as I could the door gently shut. It didn't latch just hung there almost closed until I could get off at the exit luckily only a few feet ahead. I was able to get out a close the door on the exit ramp. So in case any of you have not done this engaging the child safety lock is a good idea, I just never really thought about it. I really wasn't kidding my kids will drive me insane but I hear that can be fun some days.


Elizabeth said...

That is so crazy! I am glad you are all safe. Especially Ethan so he can continue playing with his little nursery gang buddies. He is just interested in everything! I love that about him!

LL said...

Holy cow that would have freaked me out! Javi plays with the door all the time but has never gotten it open. Maybe I should flip that little switch before he scares the stuffin' out of me...

Jenny said...

Wow! Abby has opened the door but never on thr freeway. Way to handle it!

JiffJenn said...

Goodness! I am glad you all are okay!

Just remember that the wild, insane child phase does pass, then they graduate from college....

*Giant Hugs*

k said...

that ethan, just full of wholesome mischief. it's funny how they can really scare you and frustrate you, and yet most of the time they're just thinking "hmmm, i wonder what happens if i do this..." i guess it's good that it's hard to STAY mad :)