Thursday, May 10, 2007

Club Boy

This week for FHE the boys went outside to jump on the trampoline while I quick whipped up a lesson. After about 20 mins I went outside to join them and play catch with Ethan. The plan was to play outside for another half hour then go inside and have our lesson. Why is it things never go as planned in my house? A few mins latter I see this group of boys coming up the street. All the kids on our street with the exception of one eight year old girl are boys. Anyhow all the boys were out catching bugs and decided to drop by to see if we had any bugs in our yard. Ethan was all over that. I think I must have had a look of total dismay as I saw my neatly laid out plans for the night slipping away. Jared came over and put his arm around me and whispering in my ear "Welcome to Club boy." I know he's so right. All I could think of was all the bug hunts in my future soon to be followed by snake hunts I'm sure and frog hunts and anything else they can think of. After an eventful quest the boys decided to jump on the trampoline then it was off to play at a neighbors yard. I couldn't bring my self to ruin there fun and hall Ethan inside. Maybe next week we will have a family bug hunt and talk about how god created everything even little bugs.

Today was a day of complete and total frustration for Daniel. The boy wants to walk so bad and can't stand the fact that he can't. He's started taking steps but gets really angry when he falls. In some ways I can't wait until he walks because it means we will not have a total day of crying. Pray for my sanity until then.

In other news I learned something new today. I had yet another Dr appointment and while talking we got on the subject of my sleep issues. Did you know that if you are sleep deprived you are more likely to be over weight and your more likely to develop diabetes. Umm ya so if you have a family history of diabetes and have sleep issues that's like bad. If your wondering the reason evidently when your over tired your body starts producing more incline to try and keep you awake. This in turn can cause you to gain weight and for lack of a better term burn out your bodies own ability to regulate sugar. I found this interesting. I love my Dr she always teaches me something new when I go see her and she is always so helpful. So she has set the goal that I need to be in bed by 11...I'm going to try and hopefully it will work. She's also sending me to a dietician to help me create a healthy weight loss plan and learn to eat better so if possible I can avoid that whole diabetes thing.

Ok I'm going to stand on my soap box for just a min and plead with everyone to remember to wear sun screen and especially remember to put it on your kids. My parents were horrible about that and as a result I got burned quite badly quite often. Now I'm 26 and have to take a picture of a mole on my foot because well it could be skin cancer. I have to take a picture of it ever month or so to make sure it's not growing for how long I don't know until we're sure it's not growing I guess. Sucky

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