Thursday, December 6, 2007

Good Friends

Jared is back from DC and I have two sleeping boys AND it's only 8:30. I think I'm in heaven. :)

Right now I am grateful for great friends. There are some friends you don't see every day. People you may go a month or more between conversations with but when you do find the time to talk it's like that gap was never there. There are very few people I can put in this category of friends so I'm grateful for those I have. Other friends come and go but these few will always be there I know. I think you know who you are so thank you.

Tonight a friend called and we got five whole mins to talk just the two of us about life and it was so great. You think five mins isn't much but with her kids and my kids trust me it is. She the one person who I can truly swap insane kid stories with because her kids do a lot of the same type of things. In the end we both just end up laughing and enjoying each other. Pam your the best.

Crazy funny facts:

Jared took my keys and his to DC with him this week....perhaps a small part of why I'm so happy he's home.

Ethan is scared of his own snow pants and will cry when he has to put them on

Daniel is learning more and more words after telling him I would pick him up in a min he shook his head no and said quite clearly NOW

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