Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Spotted Ethan

So last week we had a bit of a nasty surprise, a spotted Ethan. It started one Thursday afternoon. At first I thought it was nothing just a simple skin rash to something he had been around no big deal. We have had tons of those. So I threw him in the bathtub and waiting to see if it just went away. That's usually all it takes with him. By Friday morning this is how he looked. I don't know if you can tell from the pictures but we are talking head to toe spots. Even the bottoms of his feet were covered. Thankfully they didn't seem to be bothering him yet. I called the Dr and luck would have it they could see him in an hour and they wanted me to bring him in the isolation door. I love this feature of our Dr office. If your kid has a rash that could be contagious they have a special room with an outside door so you go strait in without having to go threw the waiting room just in case. Well it turns out Ethan is allergic to amoxicillin! Ugh. It can take up to a week for them to show a reaction and Ethan had just passed a week on it for his sinus infection. So they took him off that and gave him a new antibiotic since well he had an ear infection as well which I knew nothing about. We also got some pretty hefty allergy meds for him. By the time we made it home from the Dr office the spots had started to itch but one dose of the new allergy med cleared that up. The spot well they took almost three days to completely disappear. Did I mention I hate allergies?


Meg said...

Aren't allergies fun?

At least it was a nice, mild alleric reaction, that was easily fixable. I do fine on Amoxi, but regular penicillan, I totally break out and get a high fever. My poor mother had to deal with me as a baby and allergic reactions to a couple of medications - usually within a couple of hours. I'll never ever, ever, ever forget taking aspirin....

Colter said...

Grant had the same thing happen to him when he was an infant! Clark has had so many rashes, I started taking photos of them so I could diagnos them on my own!

Lisa said...

Ugh, nightmare!

Janie said...

Andy had the same thing, but the reaction was worse with swelling and other fun things. I always kind of thought the red hair made it worse now my thoughts are confirmed. Red heds are allergic to more things. I think I should write up a study on it, sounds pretty scientific.

Hubers said...

I am so sorry! I've never even thought about being allergic to medicines. I have to contradict Janie's statement. Abram and I aren't allergic to anything, but Craig and Isaac have weird things, like smoke and ranch dressing allergies. In our experince,brown-heads have more problems.